Smart Manufacturing Inflection

Smart Manufacturing Inflection

Helping to gauge an enterprise’s maturity, about where it stands in its ability to respond to a disruption like the current, Industry 4.0 is being successfully scaled upon. This, despite difficulties in cash flow and low sales. Informing that the way to look at technologies under Industry 4.0 is changing, a McKinsey analyst said that Industry 4.0 is truly at an inflection point. It has, in view of the ability to help mitigate a disruption of this scale, assumed much importance, he added. McKinsey conducted a survey of 400 manufacturing companies worldwide to gauge the progress of Industry 4.0 through its annual survey model. The outcome of the survey put those companies that have embraced Industry 4.0 in a good position to tackle the pandemic-led disruption. For companies scaling up, the need to embrace it faster was even more evident. For companies who have not yet embraced Industry 4.0, the pandemic proved to be a wake-up call. Pursuing transformation plans in the wake of their ability to tackle the pandemic’s challenges, companies, as per the McKinsey report, are finding the progress difficult in view of cash flow restrictions, however.

Expecting manufacturing and supply chain recovery in the next six to eight months, companies are keen to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies to ensure operational agility and flexibility. Treating productivity and minimising costs as the top priority areas, they are investing the most in technologies that enable remote working and collaboration. They are, under Industry 4.0, prioritising technologies that aid collaboration and visibility across the supply chain as well. A convergence between sectors is evident, in fact, as manufacturing companies focus on remote working abilities, supply chain connectivity and operational transparency. This is happening for the first time that the priorities of a tyre and an electronic components manufacturer to embracing digital technologies are the same. A close second are technologies that help up manufacturing efficiency.

The value of Industry 4.0 in terms of smart manufacturing is being endorsed by the pandemic-induced disruption. It is visible, and is in-line with demand suppression, period of suppression anticipated and cost pressures. With sales in sectors like pharmaceuticals and medical equipment going through the roof, while staying low or moderate in sectors like automotive, the inflection point of Industry 4.0 as a smart manufacturing platform is currently influenced by an amount of volatility in supply chains. Taking an ambitious but pragmatic approach, companies are looking at cloud-based solutions or standardised Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. They are looking at the right people and the right processes to put in place to support their Industry 4.0 ambitions. The quest to accelerate the adoption of agile ways of working is proving to be an inflection point for Industry 4.0 technologies, albeit with a renewed focus on what is essential and what is not.

Industry 4.0

With every step further, Industry 4.0 is attracting more and more attention. It is, however, yet something that many find confusing when it comes to defining in actual practice. A simple way to define it, therefore, is to describe it as digitisation of the manufacturing sector. Delve deeper, and it could be described as a force that is about the astonishing rise in data volumes, computational power, connectivity (especially in new low-power wide-area networks), emergence of analytics and business-intelligence capabilities, new forms of human-machine interaction (like touch interfaces and augmented-reality systems) and improvements in transferring digital instructions to the physical world (such as advanced robotics and 3D printing). While the lean revolution and outsourcing phenomenon has contributed much to the growth of Industry 4.0, it is automation that is currently the big factor in it reaching the inflection point. The inflection point will soon get redefined as technologies like 3D printing cut down on manufacturing time and effort.

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Desma Unveils Alpha 700 SE At Xpert Forum

Desma Unveils Alpha 700 SE  At Xpert Forum

At the Xpert Forum, experts from Desma also presented workshops on interesting topics like reduction in rubber wastage, special machines, preventive and predictive maintenance, latest DRC 1030 fully closed loop control system, and hydraulic oil management. Experts in manufacturing presented themselves in live chat rooms for the visitors to interact. They addressed the queries floated by informed visitors at the forum. If the response to the Xpert Forum with over 400 participants from 26 nations were encouraging, the high number of potential customers among visitors made for an impressive event. Also encouraging was the feedback Desma received from the visitors about its consistent digital re-orientation since 2015. They also spoke about the focus on automation, visualisation, digitisation, services and products, and process innovation. The India centric approach contributed to the success of the 2021 Xpert Forum. The professionally produced workshop videos aired during the forum were appreciated by the visitors. Desma presented five workshops at the forum. These helped the company to address questions of the attendees in large numbers simultaneously. These hailed from diverse sectors like process engineering, automation, tool or cold runner construction, maintenance or project management.

Offering an interesting outlook to all those visited it, the 2021 Xpert Forum had live chats too. These had Desma sales team and forum experts speaking to those who wanted information or specific technical queries. Good flexibility in relation to the work hours of the visitors was ensured by offering the platform and workshops on a 24x7 basis during the forum tenure. The tenure was of a good five days, and enabled each visitor to spend no less than 17 minutes inside the online workshops. Most participants are known to have repeatedly logged in to watch the workshop videos of their choice. They did so at the time convenient to them during the five days of the forum.

The guided digital factory tour of the Desma headquarters at Fridingen, Germany, an integral part of the Xpert Forum, was attended by around 160 visitors. Consisting of daily live greetings, daily variation of live events in the presence of live chats from experts, the Xpert Forum, was rated high by the visitors. Most visitors gave four and five stars in the survey the company carried out

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Our Solutions Help To Simplify V Cycle Of Automotive Development Process

Our Solutions Help To Simplify V Cycle Of Automotive Development Process

Over the last three decades, Vector has been supplying tools and services that give engineers the decisive advantage to make challenging and highly complex designs and develop automotive products as simple and manageable as possible. Today, the company is working on various fronts from e-mobility to connectivity, cyber security to ADAS and will continue to work on the new areas which will drive the future of mobility. “Vector is also working on identifying the challenges that a customer could face in the future in the context of these trends and is working as a partner with the customers to overcome these challenges,” said Chandra Nataraja, Managing Director, Vector Informatik India. Nataraja also emphasises the need of ‘real R&D development’ at the local level in India, instead of being followers and adapters.

Q) We are coming across the word “complexity” often in the automotive industry? How does Vector help in simplifying the process in engineering, design, testing, validation and calibration?

Chandra Nataraja: At Vector Informatik, more than 3,000 employees across 31 locations worldwide support manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive industry with a professional platform of tools and software components. Our solutions are used by engineers of automotive OEMs, Tier-1 suppliers and other software organisations undertaking the development of automotive electronics.

There is increased complexity in the automotive space, especially with the software running in cars, for which development teams need to have an overview of their ideas being realised into technologies. There is a lot of toolchain and structure development, not to mention the standards that are being adopted. Vector is a part of several standardisation groups and offers solutions across the complete V cycle of automotive development process, including system engineering, design, testing, validation and calibration, which helps to simplify the processes for the customers.

To elaborate further, the ECU testing tools from Vector support in the implementation of simulation and test environments in an efficient way. Regardless of the task in the development process, the Vector testing tools provide a scalable and re-usable solution from pure SIL simulations to HIL testing with functional acceptance tests – for all types of vehicles including internal combustion engine, a hybrid or a purely electric vehicle. Similarly, for calibration, we provide software and hardware solutions which cover all requirements throughout the entire development process, right from function development through bypassing and rapid prototyping solutions to test bench applications and test drives during trials and in series production.

We also offer solutions to engineers in other application areas such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), autonomous driving, connected vehicles and electric vehicles. The company puts together solutions and provides customers with toolchain to develop, test, calibrate and validate software that is being developed for such applications.

Q) What are the current trends in the automotive industry for which the company is developing solutions?

Chandra Nataraja: Vector follows automotive trends closely, with the principle for the company being that it does not develop solutions in isolation, but rather works with customers as partners.

E-mobility is one of the major trends today and for electric mobility to enter mass market, smart charging is a key solution. The term smart charging is used for charging systems of electric or hybrid vehicles according to various standards like ISO 15118, DIN SPEC 70121 and SAE J2847/2. Vector supports developers of on-board charging ECUs in the vehicle, charging stations and induction charging systems with extensive test systems and bespoke ECU software. Using Vector test solution for smart charging, customers can test on-board charging ECUs without having to operate a real charging spot. Vector also offers solutions for testing of charging stations, E-Mobility Measurement and software stack for rapid development of charging ECUs, which supports all international standards including CCS, GB/T and CHAdeMO. This helps customers develop their software quickly and cost effectively.

Another area of focus is connected vehicles, where Vector is looking at extending the domain beyond the car, at the areas where it can offer standardisation. There is a large amount of data collected from the car when talking about connectivity, and the company is looking at cloud solutions in managing this data.

This also brings us to cyber security, where OEMs and applied partners are analysing if there is enough security of information inside the automobile. Vector has developed solutions related to remote updating of software, for which its understanding of the vehicle network is helping us to see how this can be connected with the IT world.

Autonomous Driving is another trend towards which Vector is carrying out development work, in partnership with BASELABS. BASELABS has algorithms related to ADAS for autonomous driving, and with Vector’s calibration product line aligned to it, we have an entire package which supports both the development and validation of ADAS.

Our tool set for testing and calibration has been developed to accommodate future vehicle technologies, and also extend it to multiple networks in the vehicle. Apart from developing innovations based on market trends, Vector is also working on identifying the challenges that a customer could face in the future in the context of these trends and is working as a partner with the customers to overcome these challenges.

Q) With the growing penetration of electronics in vehicles, how do you see the business opportunities for the company?

Chandra Nataraja: Since last 30 years, Vector has been a capable partner in the development of automotive electronics. Satisfied and successful customers are our motivation, and we work to ensure that our customers achieve an increase in value in their work that we can also be proud of. Driven by our passion for technology, we develop solutions which relieve engineers of their demanding tasks and our focus continues to be on providing products to customers for developing embedded systems so that they can develop solutions which will drive the future of mobility.

We see the business opportunities increasing with our existing customers as they look towards future challenges and opportunities. Also, the current trends have brought in new technology players in the automotive ecosystem, and we look forward to working with them as their reliable and technically competent partner.

Q) How do you see the collaborative approach, especially with high-tech companies?

Chandra Nataraja: Presently, we are already collaborating with multiple high-tech companies in Europe and USA. We do see the potential to collaborate with Indian Tier-1s, Tier-2s and service organisations, especially in the EV space. India is poised to develop a unique ecosystem within the electric vehicle segment where all these companies will play a key role, and we look forward to working as partners with everyone who will develop the future of mobility.

We continue to explore synergies with agile companies and our technology, which can be seen in our efforts to foray into areas other than automotive where we can add value as partner to customers and collaborate to develop technology solutions.

Q) What is the role of the Indian entity in Vector’s global business?

Chandra Nataraja: Vector Informatik India Private Limited is a 100 percent subsidiary of Vector Informatik GmbH and is headquartered at Pune with offices in Bengaluru, where more than 100 technical experts and subject matter specialists support the customers in automotive ecosystem with their challenges and provide customised solutions as per their development and testing needs.

We work closely with all global and local customers based in India, those who have technical teams and presence in India – to understand their development needs and provide solutions across application areas. Dedicated support team in India is available to the customers for all technical queries’ resolution, while we also facilitate the training needs of the customer locally. We also have a test services team which supports the customers with their customised project requirements related to test systems.

Q) What significance does AUTOSAR have for Vector?

Chandra Nataraja: We see that AUTOSAR is a standard that is widely adopted across the globe and the automotive market in India has also seen good adaptation towards AUTOSAR.

Vector has many years of experience in AUTOSAR and provides a comprehensive AUTOSAR Classic solution called as MICROSAR. It consists of the MICROSAR RTE (runtime environment) and MICROSAR basic software modules (BSW), which cover all aspects of the AUTOSAR standard and include many useful extensions. MICROSAR is widely used by several OEMs globally, and in India, many customers have MICROSAR stack running in their cars as the Tier-1s have used Vector AUTOSAR solutions.

Exida, the internationally recognised specialist for functional safety, has verified and independently certifies that the AUTOSAR 4 basic software from Vector fulfills the requirements of ISO 26262 up to the ASIL D level – it is called as MICROSAR Safe. MICROSAR Safe is the result of many years of experience in the field of functional safety and it helps customers integrate safety related functions into their ECU and develop AUTOSAR-based applications as per the functional safety standard, ISO 26262.

In 2017, the AUTOSAR development partnership added a new standard to its line-up that is based on POSIX operating systems: the “AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform”. Adaptive MICROSAR is the Vector solution for vehicles with an E/E architecture based on the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform. It complements the proven MICROSAR with basic software for the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform, which is optimised for highly automated driving, multimedia applications and networking services.

Thus, we at Vector provide field-proven AUTOSAR solutions which are tuned to the customer needs – offering a comprehensive range of design and development tools, ECU software and services around AUTOSAR. We are committed to support customers going ahead for all requirements around AUTOSAR.

Q) What are the new areas that Vector is now focusing on?

Chandra Nataraja: We continue to work closely as partners with customers to identify the new areas which will drive the future of mobility. We spoke about the current trends earlier and Vector continues its focus around those, including e-mobility, connectivity, cyber security and ADAS.

There is good amount of work going on towards the development of new connectivity-related technologies, as well as in cloud solutions. A lot of research is being undertaken on identifying the appropriate connectivity technologies for vehicle networks.

There are many new start-ups and technology players who are coming up as new trends emerge, across India and globe. Through our subsidiary VVC Vector Venture Capital GmbH, we continue to accompany young companies in their first steps by providing required support in different ways to these new entrants.

Vector Consulting Services is another such effort from our end to add value based on benchmarks, methodology and Vector experience in different toolchains. Through Vector Consulting, we aim to support customers for optimising the engineering and product development.

Q) What are the challenges in the industry?

Chandra Nataraja: Automotive electronics has come a long way and continues to evolve with trends and technologies like connected vehicles and autonomous driving, which we discussed earlier. Thus, one of the main challenges to the automotive ecosystem is to develop vehicles which are as secured as they are connected. The idea is to think more about the abuse cases than the use cases during development, which will ensure that the vehicles on the road continue to be reliable and secured.

On the development side, standardisation at the E/E Architecture level is the need of the hour which will allow for effective implementation of use cases like customisations amongst others.

We must understand that it takes considerable time and thought to bring new technologies to fruition and the process is at times slow. We thus need real R&D development at the local level in India, instead of being followers and adapters – this will allow for faster turnaround times and quicker technology adoption within the Indian automotive industry. (MT)

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AVL To Accelerate The Vision Of Smart And Connected Mobility: Urs Gerspach

AVL To Accelerate The Vision Of Smart And Connected Mobility: Urs Gerspach

AVL is the world’s largest independent company for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry and in other sectors. As a global technology leader, AVL provides concepts, solutions and methodologies in the fields of e-mobility ADAS and autonomous driving, vehicle integration, digitalisation, virtualisation, big data and much more.

In an interview with Sharad P Matade, Urs Gerspach, Executive Vice President of Test Systems and Global Operations, Instrumentation and Test Systems at AVL, shares his thoughts on the growth enablers and the company’s capabilities to cater to a wide range of demand in the automotive testing business.

What is the impact of the Covid pandemic on AVL’s testing business?

There is an impact, no doubt about it. The effect was much stronger last year; the customers constantly postponed their decisions about the orders of lab projects. However, this year, we are seeing a sudden improvement in the situation. In the first quarter of this year, we received massive orders of over 180 test systems for battery test labs. The situation is improving very fast, and the investments are being released by the OEMs. Until last year, the trends were not clear. Now we see a fast and strong growth of the passenger car industry towards electrification business. We are also witnessing the growing focus on fuel cells in the commercial truck segment. AVL is very well on track regarding its turnover and our margins for this year.

What is the reason for the increased demand of battery test labs?

In the past, many OEMs bought their battery cells from cell manufacturers like Panasonic, LG, CATL etc. and used these third party cells to build their own batteries. Several passenger car OEMs changed their strategy and decided to develop their own battery cells. Increased range, reduced charging time and lower costs are important key factors to convince customers to buy electric cars. Not just the development of the battery, but the combination of Battery, Inverter, E-Motor and Charging Infrastructure is important to develop a successful electric car. For this development, you need new test equipment such as battery cell cyclers, conditioning systems, climate chambers, automation and lab management software. The entire car is tested on High Voltage Powertrain Test Beds and Chassis Dynos where AVL has been the market leader for many years.

Europe is gearing up for Euro-7. What is it? How will it influence the testing business?

EU-7 will set stricter limits for CO2 and particle emissions. We expect PM10 (particulate matter with a size of 10 μm) will be introduced for Euro-7 and we have therefore developed measurement systems which can measure PM10.

It is also important to measure the CO2 emissions of combustion engines as precisely as possible. It is not just about compliance with environmental standards, but also about fuel consumption. We also deliver Portable Emission Measurement (PEM) systems for measuring emissions in real-time conditions on the street. While driving the car under real conditions, you might not execute a certified test run under predefined environmental conditions, therefore, other emissions will occur that need to be measured and analysed. AVL offers a wide range of in-vehicle measurement systems and software to determine what is actually coming out of the exhaust - in real driving conditions.

But there will also be a focus on non-exhaust emissions, particularly brake dust. Electric vehicles don’t emit exhaust emissions, but there is still brake and tyre dust. We have developed entire test systems to test real brakes under real-time conditions.

What would be the significant growth drivers in the traditional combustion engine business for AVL testing divisions?

As mentioned, the Euro-7 regulation will be one of the main drivers for AVL in the future. Besides all the other technologies like ADAS, every engine will be partly electrified either as a pure Hybrid, Plug In- or mild Hybrid. The technology of an Integrated Combustion Engine (ICE) can also be used to run with pure hydrogen. AVL is developing several engines for various customers that convert existing ICE technologies in new concepts.

We are also working on measurement technologies for synthetic fuel. AVL is working closely with Formula One teams as they will soon run their engines with synthetic fuels.

AVL has played a significant role in the development of the diesel engine in Europe. However, many OEMs are talking about discontinuing diesel engine vehicles in the near future. Do you see this as a challenge?

This trend will not have a great impact on our testing division. It will have a larger influence on the powertrain development division for diesel engines. If you take a look at the share of electrified cars in Europe - especially in Germany - they only account for 10 percent of the total vehicles; the remaining share of cars are still powered by combustion engines.

The combustion engine will still remain relevant for a while. However, increasingly in the form of a hybrid powertrain. AVL is therefore converting existing test beds for the car manufacturers so that they can be used to test hybrid vehicles. There are several customers who request pure electrical test benches. Some of our customers come to us with the requirement to completely convert existing combustion engine test fields to electrification test systems.

Between electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, which one holds more promise in India in the near term and the long term?

I believe, in countries where the electricity network is not yet fully developed, hybrid cars will provide more flexibility, combining the possibility to run with fuel for an overland trip and electrified within the city.

In India, two-wheelers might have a faster increase in electrification similar to the development in China. ICE engines might keep dominating for a while, especially for the commercial vehicle. The introduction of pure battery electric vehicles mainly depends on how fast India is able to provide the necessary high-voltage charging infrastructure.

What about the AVL Tech Centre in India?

Our Tech Centre in India is one of our strongest Competence Centre for turnkey projects. AVL India is a very strong and reliable partner when it comes to planning of entire test fields including plant facilities. In the field of Powertrain Development, our India Tech Centre focuses on all three technologies – ICE, electrification and hybridisation – equally in all segments. AVL is an engineering company assisting customers with all types of mobility technologies. We recently got one of the first orders for fuel cell test systems from an Indian customer. So there is something exciting happening in our Tech Centre in India.

What about the revenues? How much does your testing division contribute to the whole company?

In 2020, the company generated a turnover of EUR 1.7 billion, of which 12 percent was invested in R&D activities. The testing division contributes with around 50 percent of the turnover.

What are the challenges in the business?

One of the biggest challenges is definitely to cover the growing bandwidth of technologies. A couple of years ago, we were only talking about ICE vehicles. Today, we are talking about ICE vehicles, hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, batteries, ADAS and autonomous driving, digitalisation, cybersecurity and big data. AVL has built comprehensive competences to accelerate the vision of smart and connected mobility.

If you are an engineer, you have a wide range of technologies to specialise in. So one of the challenges is to find the right engineers to work on these different technologies.

What is the latest on safety by AVL?

One of the issues that is yet to gain the industry’s attention is fire safety in electric vehicles. AVL has been associated with fire marshals in Europe. Fire brigades realised an increase in accidents with Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). Not only accidents but also burning BEVs in parking garages are a big challenge. These vehicles are very difficult to extinguish due to the chemistry of the lithium-ion battery.

AVL has developed a firefighting system which can extinguish a lithium-ion battery fire on the testbed or for fire brigade usage. It is a unique patented system that runs on liquids such as water or gases like nitrogen to extinguish battery fires. We conducted a couple of test series with hybrid batteries. A burning battery with 18 metres of flame height and temperatures of up to 1,500 degrees Celsius could be extinguished in one minute. (MT)

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Cameras for CVs

Cameras for CVs

Stating that they are witnessing good demand as well as interest for Driver Status Monitoring (DSM) cameras, Vanesh Naidoo, Founder & CEO, Safe Cams Digital Eye Solutions Pvt Ltd (SCDES), mentioned, “The ability of these cameras to detect sleepy and distracted drivers and then alert them within three seconds is game-changing.” “They, as a safety solution, are highly conducive to reducing road accidents in India, where around 38 percent of all road accidents are attributed to drowsy driving,” he added.  Claiming to be the first company in India to introduce DSM cameras, Naidoo stressed on fuel sensors that can connect to cameras and stream fuel information via 4G connectivity. “The driver reports that come out of this are helping companies save up to 20 percent of fuel costs,” he informed. “This,” he quipped, “is proving to be of much benefit to the fleets at a time when fuel costs have risen sharply.” Present in the aftermarket largely, SCDES is a young company. It was established in 2019 even though the groundwork began almost a year before. “The thought of entering this field was born from the high road fatalities in India,” averred Naidoo.

Cameras as road safety solutions
Pointing at the World Bank Report in 2020, which states that India accounts for 11 percent of global road accident victims while having only one percent of the world’s vehicular population, he said, “A majority of these deaths on roads are needless and can be avoided.” Of the opinion that speeding and drowsy driving account for close to 80 percent of road accidents, he explained, “The technologically advanced road safety solutions such as DSM and Advanced Driving Assistance system (ADAS) are instrumental in preventing accidents before they occur.” “The video footage available from the cameras onboard a vehicle helps analyse and hence understand its causes and find way to avoid them,” he remarked. Informing that his company specialises in two broad categories, consumer dash cams for individuals who own one or two vehicles and fleet solutions that cater to transport fleets and commercial operators, Naidoo explained, “Our Mobile Digital Video Recording (MDVR) systems can record on up to eight cameras per vehicle.” 


Fleet safety solutions 
The MDVR systems cannot just record on up to eight cameras per vehicle, they can store up to 4 TB of data for a longer period of reference and study. Naidoo explained, “Capable of incorporating features like GPS, Wi-Fi, 4G and various sensors (including temperature sensors in case of the carriage of perishable goods in a refrigerated container), tyre pressure sensors and fuel sensors), the MDVR systems allow live tracking and video streaming via 4G connectivity of any vehicle in the fleet.” Offering advanced technology DSM and ADAS compatible cameras that use Artificial Intelligence (AI), SCDES, said Naidoo, is in talks with bus transport companies for the DSM – with fuel transport vehicle fleets to install explosion-proof cameras and with commercial driving training institutes to help drivers understand the key dangers they face on the road and how to mitigate them. Assembling its consumer dash cameras at its facility at Pune, the company is working on localisation. Some electronic parts are not manufactured locally, according to Naidoo. The current R&D setup of SCDES tests various components of the camera and camera-based safety solutions like lenses, chipsets, low-light sensors etc. The setup also carries out tests in the area of successful configuration and suitability of usage under Indian conditions. “Our R&D setup has helped us to arrive at some unique solutions for local market requirements,” remarked Naidoo. 

Traction in market segments
Finding good traction in various market segments including cold chain transportation where cameras and sensing solutions aid the maintenance of the right temperatures, SCDES has achieved good traction in various other market segments as well. “Hyundai India is using our 4G cameras in their test vehicles to ensure testing and reporting as per the guidelines. Our solutions are also being used by the armed forces and municipalities,” stated Naidoo. Revealing that India is expected to follow European Union where reports suggest DSM and ADAS cameras to be mandatory from 2026, Naidoo concluded, “So far, there are no legal requirements for cameras to be used in any vehicular segments as per the law in India. This may however change sooner than later.” 

Interview: Vanesh Naidoo, Founder & CEO, Safe Cams Digital Eye Solutions Pvt Ltd.


1. Which automotive segments do the company’s products cater to?
Our camera systems can cater to nearly all major automotive segments from bus transportation, goods transportation, employee transportation, taxis, school transportation and so on. With the ability to connect temperature sensors to our devices, Safe Cams’ devices can also be used for cold chain transport companies to ensure their temperature ranges are maintained. 
2. Are the company’s products found in the aftermarket or supplied to OEMs as well? 
At the moment, our products are found in the aftermarket.  

3. Any institutions that the products have found favour with?
Hyundai India is using our 4G cameras in their test vehicles to ensure testing and reporting is performed easily and per guidelines. The Indian Army has also purchased our dash cameras, and they are happy with the video quality of our devices. We also have supplied to international clients in Fiji and Kuwait. Safe cams also won the Dombivali-Kalyan Smart City contract to fit 4G dash cameras into the police vehicles; this is the first-time dash cameras have been fitted in police vehicles in Maharashtra.

4. How are these products important in terms of safety, security and performance of a commercial vehicle or a fleet? What kind of cost savings could a fleet or trucker look at from the use of your product?
Our Advanced AI cameras can prevent accidents before they occur – thereby reducing accidents that would happen (and the less to high costs involved therein) mostly due to drowsy driving and speeding. Around 80 percent of accidents are caused because of these two factors in India. 
Cameras act as a natural deterrent to prevent theft/stealing as people know they are being watched. In the 2019 BSI & TT Club report, India accounted for 64 percent of Asia’s cargo theft. Our fuel sensors and driving behaviour reports and rankings can help save up to 20 percent of a company’s fuel costs and lead to savings of several thousand for a truck or a fleet owner. Our products have an average ROI of 120 percent in year one after buying (with the average payback period being 10 months on the cost of our solution). These savings come from a reduction in accidents (both in insurance costs and with the vehicle being able to be utilised for longer), reduction in theft and fuel savings.

5. How is the market for your products picking up post the pandemic-led disruption? 
We are experiencing an increase in enquiries about our cameras and how these can make road journeys safer. I think the pandemic has made more people risk adverse or at least risk aware, and hence safety products are seen as a priority now. Given that the number of road deaths in 2019 being even higher than the total number of Covid-19 deaths in 2020, this shows and is making people realise how poor road safety scenario is in India, and the urgent need to improve the same.

6. The pain the Covid-19 pandemic caused to the company? 
The Covid-19 pandemic hit us hard. We had a few deals put on hold as companies were not willing to spend on capex due to the uncertain market situation. Our consumer range could not be sold much as people were working from home and vehicles were parked off due to lockdown restrictions. Once the first wave of lockdown ended, we saw a bit of an upswing, only to be replaced with another lockdown months later. We have had to look at working capital issues and have tried to keep smaller inventory to combat the uncertainty Covid brought.

7. What kind of growth do you anticipate? Will it be in any particular product offering or spread across?
I think once people become highly aware of the advanced nature of the product and the benefits it offers, we will see a sharp growth in the dash cam market. India is the fifth-largest automobile industry in the world, but less than one percent of people use a dash camera compared to other countries like Singapore, UK and Dubai where between 10-25 percent of drivers own a dash camera. Currently, there is a huge gap in the market, which we at Safe Cams want to fill.

8. What change in the automotive landscape do you anticipate, which will provide your company stronger growth traction?
In the future, road safety will become an extremely important factor for the government and stricter enforcement of traffic rules will lead to a high adoption of dash cameras being used. New technologies like DSM that can prevent accidents will become mandatory on commercial vehicles, following the EU and America. Further, video analytics will become more and more important and 5G networks will mean devices can communicate with each other faster – and this will mean we can reduce the human involvement or reduce the reaction times to avoid an accident.

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